July 2 - July 4th
- Lawn Chairs/Blanket
- Two Picnic meals and drinks for your family/Grills provided. OOPS!
The meal plan has been changed a bit. Chris and Sue will provide Chicken and Sloppy Joes, Iced Tea and Lemonade for the Sat. Evening meal. You are asked to bring a side dish/dessert to share and drinks of your choice.
- White Elephant Item to Auction
- Your family Information sheet for the Family Tree
The Eagles Club. Cash Bar and Restaurant
Saturday - July 3rd - 9:30 AM- Brunch, Harmon Park, Sertoma Shelter
2nd Ave. & 31st Street
11:00 AM - Family Games and Fun
2:00 PM - BREAK TIME - Go for a swim, check out
your family history, nap under a shade tree.
4:00 PM - More games, Open MIC'. recite a poem,
do a skit, sing a song, do a magic trick.
Please be prepared and keep it short and keep it "clean".
* Plan the next reunion
* Silent Auction results
* Blessings on our family
* Set up your Tripod for a Family Portrait
* Saturday Evening Meal.
7:30 PM - Fireworks Tailgater - Yanney Park Parking Lot
2020 West 11th Street
Bring your own Food * Grill provided
Sunday - July 4th - 9:30 AM - Brunch at Donna's - 10 West 46th Street
Donna's Phone # 308-233-5035
10:00 AM - BRIEF, Alexander Family History Presentation
Learn about your Royal History.
Are you a King or Queen?
Please feel free to contact Nancy trough e-mail at: nnixon2000@comcast.net or through "comments" section of this blog site. Nancy's Phone # 720-216-1989